Asahi editorial 天声人語





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Vox Populi editorial

Asahi Daily Newspaper - August 6th, 2013

"I'm not documenting the past," states photographer Ishiuchi Miyako, in the film, Things Left Behind. " I'm photographing the time I live in now." Ishiuchi has photographed clothing and shoes left behind by those who perished in the atomic bomb. To Ishiuchi, they are "animate." She directs her camera at them, willing them to "become visible." Photographing a dress, she imagines the woman who once wore it and, sensing her translucent presence, she calls out, "Hello there," and presses the shutter of her camera.

Linda Hoaglund, an American director born and raised in Japan, made a film about Ishiuchi's creative process and an exhibition of the work in a Canadian museum. The film is in theatrical release in Tokyo, Osaka and other cities, to coincide with the Hiroshima and Nagasaki memorials this summer. After all these years, it shows us the mushroom cloud is not the only image that can convey that disastrous past.

The film invites the viewer to imagine the person to whom the garments once belonged. Standing in front of a photograph of broken glasses, an exhibit visitor wonders, "I wonder what those eyes last saw." Another man explains he can hear the photographs saying, "I was here." Sensing and conversing with the dead... The film yields a "new experience" of Hiroshima.

One day, by chance, students from a girls' high school in Hiroshima visited the museum as tourists on their school trip. Hoaglund asked the girls to pose for a commemorative photograph in front of the exhibited photographs and edited it into a scene in the film. Her poignant message: it was girls like these who lost their lives to the bomb in 1945.

"I thought there was nothing left to say about Hiroshima." That was how Ishiuchi felt before taking her photographs. In the event, there is still much to be portrayed about Hiroshima "today."